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Conclusion: Two Puzzles


In conclusion, ...
Explain the emergence in development
of mindreading.
So let me conclude. The challenge we have been addressing was to understand the emergence of mindreading. Initially this seemed straightforward: you learn this from social interaction using language as a tool (compare Gopnik's theory theory). However, the discovery that abilities to track beilefs exist in infants from around 7 months or earlier initially suggested a different picture: one on which mindreading was likely to involve core knowledge. But, as always, things are not so straightforward.


Children fail

because they rely on a model of minds and actions that does not incorporate beliefs

Children fail A-tasks because they rely on a model of minds and actions that does not incorporate beliefs.


Children pass

by relying on a model of minds and actions that does incorporate beliefs

Children pass non-A-tasks by relying on a model of minds and actions that does incorporate beliefs.



of mindreading

The dogma of mindreading (momentary version): any individual has at most one model of minds and actions at any one point in time.
There is also a developmental version of the dogma: the developmental dogma is that there is either just one model or else a family of models where one of the models, the best and most sophisticated model, contains all of the states that are contained in any of the models.
Two questions: > 1. How do observations about tracking support conclusions about representing? > 2. Why are there dissociations in nonhuman apes’, human infants’ and human adults’ performance on belief-tracking tasks?


How do observations about tracking support conclusions about representing models?


Why are there dissociations in nonhuman apes’, human infants’ and human adults’ performance on belief-tracking tasks?

The dogma problem is a special case of Q2
I think it is linked to Q1; we need to solve both; but Q1 is easier to see in the case of chimps than in the case of infants.

We seek a theory which can solve both puzzles,

is empirically motivated and theoretically coherent,

and genenerates novel testable predictions.