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Models and Processes

Origins of Mind : 04

s.butterfill & [email protected]

Explain the emergence in development
of mindreading.
Two questions: > 1. How do observations about tracking support conclusions about representing? > 2. Why are there dissociations in nonhuman apes’, human infants’ and human adults’ performance on belief-tracking tasks?


How do observations about tracking support conclusions about representing models?


Why are there dissociations in nonhuman apes’, human infants’ and human adults’ performance on belief-tracking tasks?

Didn’t see evidence yet, will see it later today

We seek a theory which can solve both puzzles,

is empirically motivated and theoretically coherent,

and genenerates novel testable predictions.

1. models

2. processes

A model is a way the world could logically be, or a set of ways the world could logically be. Some models can conveniently be specified by theories, others by equations. (Note that a model isn’t a theory, nor is it a set of equations.)